Kimberley Cooper

In Canada!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Augie March

Hmmm so I was to fly out of Melbourne on Saturday the 19th of August but then I got an awesome chance to fly over and spend a few days in LA with my dad so I fly out earlier on Tuesday the 15th... It's really good but... lately I have been trying to expand my horizons when it comes to music and get out of the punk/rock etc is good, all else is bad... and lately a band called Augie March has been playing non stop in my cd player… and guess what!!! They will be performing at the Forum on Fri 18 Aug!! Hmmm, sorry Augie maybe next time... or hey here is an idea, come to Canada!! (Yes I am sure they read blogs!) Anyway it is bedtime now, yes 10.20 – an early one for me I know, wow go me!! (Does a little ‘Go Kim Go’ dance!!) So I will be all better for next week! 33 days to go… scary!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Aung San Suu Kyi

If you don't know the story of Aung San Suu Kyi then I highly recommend you go research her courtesy of Wikipedia! A quick run down - Aung San Suu Kyi is an activist and leader of the National League for Democracy in Myanmar, Burma. She stands for peace and human rights and has come under fire many times from the Burma Government. They have placed her on house arrest a few times and it still continues, while many rally to give her support in the hope of her freedom. This bit is what touched me the most (once again from Wikipedia): "Her husband Michael Aris, a British citizen, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1997; the Burmese Government denied him an entry visa. Aung San Suu Kyi remained in Burma, and never again saw her husband, who died in March 1999". So maybe people might like to read into her and if you agree or if it interests you then sign one of the many online petitions... I know it never seems like it will work but least you know you tried… So I dedicate this entry to Aung San Suu Kyi and her efforts to make the world a better place for those less fortunate!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Why a blog?

So thought I better give everyone a short run down on myself...! In 39 days I will be flying off into the sunset (sounds very romantic!!) - actually it will be 10.55 in the morning and with my dad but never the less I will be flying off into the hopefully bright blue sky in search of a place to call home for 6 months! I will be living in Canada for most of the 6 months to study on exchange amongst other things. It is pretty big for me as it is my first time away from Australia and a bit further than a short drive to see my mum! Hopefully I will find a bit of independence and I will get to see wildlife that I wouldn't be able to see naturally in Australia!! I was pretty lucky as dad had to fly to LA for work and it just worked out that he started the day before I was meant to fly to Canada so we both got flights early and now we get to travel to LA together before I go to Canada and he goes home! Cant complain PLUS someone to hold my hand for the first part of my first international flight! So there you go – that'’s it really!!