Kimberley Cooper

In Canada!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Finally you say!!

Yes I understand it has been 2 months since my last update but it was a busy 2 months as most would know! I'm going to attempt to get you up to speed in a series of short updates in a short amount of time so here goes with first off.. Halloween weekend was where I last left you: Kate, Mike and I decided to take part in the annual food drive put together by UVic called Trick or Eat! Now we all know everyone hates a grown up trick or treater.. but come on my first Halloween I wasn't going to do nothing so Trick or Eat is a program in which you go out and ring the door bell and say "trick or eat" - much like trick or treat BUT instead you collect non perishable foods for the needy. But having said that people we are doing something for charity all the lovely people also feel the need to give you candy (see where I'm getting at...)! So off we went all dressed up and boy was it fun! So here are some pics for your enjoyment, there are more on the photo page!

The headless man (aka mike) and the Statue of Liberty (aka me)

The headless man with his princess (aka Kate) and the liberty with one of the many items donated!

All my candy hehe - like a kid!


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